I made the decision to create a better and more fulfilled life for myself rather than the life that I was used to and was ingrained in me from birth.

I found out my own mindset created the wrong actions which has led me into wrong belief systems.

Getting clarity on life is not an easy task, but it is "priceless" to any individual.

Also visit my website


Friday, May 21, 2010


I use to think about validation as a stamp that was put on something as a way of saying Yes you are good or passed or No meant no good or rejected but in this case I refer to validating other people and in particular yourself. To give you a visual of this would be to say as an example I came from a family of 12 and living in a large family has its definite benefits and pitfalls. My beautiful parents like many probably wished they had a hand-book about parenting yet they did their very best at the time. All of my child-hood I would visualize myself as someone on a production line with a stamp being validated for something, so as I grew into my early adult years you can guess what type of job I was in...and that is fair and accurate to say ‘what-ever you think about , you become’.

So why did my thinking cause this, well many things I probably heard someone say something to me early in life as a child which brings me to my own children and all children to be specific.

Fast-forward to my adult life and the realisation of thinking patterns from past conditioning, upbringing, friends, family and acquaintances. Understanding where you started from and where you are going from here is really the only thing that matters to you and ultimately ‘effects’ the people closest to you namely your children. We have all heard of the saying “The Child Within” referring to your innocence and purity from the beginning of your life. Rekindling memories of my children and young babies always brings up for me the purity and spiritual little beings of pure love that knows only this... and nothing else matters to them. They are saying ‘just love me, feed me and care for me I am yours’ who could resist such a beautiful and loving feeling and bond between parent and child.

Your validation starts from that time and continues all through-out their child-hood, young teens and adult-life. There is no stopping, turning back, toning down, re-direction, caution and fear-based awareness. Continued validation is ‘infinite’ and endless towards your child and towards all other children.

The parent becomes the student from parent-hood and your learning takes on a whole new meaning of self-awareness, responsibility and duty. If you are the parent and one who wishes only the best and continued support for your child and children for the future then doing all you can towards your own learning and developing yourself fully with the ‘right’ knowledge and good parenting to only “validate” your child without any other agenda then


You are a super-human and you’ve passed.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It's not what you SAY that's important it's how you FEEL about what you SAY

Just the other week while going through my daily routine of asking myself how I felt today, I realised just how incredibly contented I felt about myself in general. This is something I do daily to gauge how I am travelling towards goals in my life, at that moment everything seemed to slow down as if I was watching a movie of myself in slow motion, it then fast-forwarded a little and played again at normal speed which to me felt like I had just seen myself change dramatically from one way of thinking directly into another new, transformed and exciting way that it meant I had actually expanded my own little universe and acquired the knowledge I needed to feel differently.

It was a 'Paradigm' for me and one of a few that have started showing up in my thoughts about 'how I really feel'. This is something I have asked myself for quite a long time without really getting a sense of complete satisfaction and the only answer to this was allowing one's self to be open to the change you are looking for. Again something I have found to be very difficult to master until now, so my thinking was obvious and closed to this notion.

I heard someone say once that 'your mind is the most powerful thing you have so any resistence to great change will exist because some people have very powerful minds' to me a paradigm in itself as I comtemplated not only myself but many other people who have very 'powerful' minds, and of course I had this powerful mind so in my own world I feel special as we all should.

I was able to relate this very thought to the people closest to me and und to have more of an understanding about their own mindsets and resistence to changes in their lives. It's a beautiful thing to validate about others close to you which also can bring you closer together within your personal relationships and family lives.

I understand the knowledge I have now learnt and the skills attained by me through the application of and the shift in paradigm's that have helped me speak the words but better yet feel the authenticity of them.