Most innocently, some don’t even know what they have done by auto-suggestion and on-going thoughts about the child. Taken for granted in the normal or usual way you might say yet more than likely everything that is thought of and suggested has been done through a limiting belief system of the person or people thinking it.
Belief system’s that have been set up by past conditioning and fear of the un-known. A crisis in the making for anyone who has either been subjected to labelling or has labelled by someone else, there is no difference between the two so the common denominator is that the outcome is fear, shame and embarrassment because of the obvious label put to the child and the same applies to the one labelling them.
The WIN, WIN situation is set up nicely and the only detail here is your perspective of that. Win because both the child and other person or people have convinced themselves and settled for the un-natural act of “Child Labelling” for life!
The pivotal point to remember and to apply is in-fact the opposite of any un-natural thought and thinking towards these adhesives. Stop the drama of un-wanted negative forces in your mind and continue ON-WARDS and UP-WARDS to challenge yourself about these beliefs and get your answers from within rather than relying on outside sources, clinical studies, negative media, friends or relatives.
As a parent, teacher, mentor, friend, neighbour, relative you deserve to seek the truth inside, nothing from outside influences will ever contain your truth.
First and foremost, a mother has the intuitive nature towards their own children and by all respects is usually the first to have insight.
Yes thankyou the most damaging thing to all children is the fact that it is done sometimes without any care towards the child then to feel resentment later on. Never mind how the parent thinks, how about the poor child. Well said.
Yes, I think the biggest mistake is to label your child without really knowing how it effects the child. I was labelled as a child that I had to be as perfect as my sister so the pressure and anxiety from that has dwelled with me for many years. I teach my children to become aware of such things in society and how they are important in what-ever they do and choose to become.
I am happy you found everything out from behind the scenes and invariably that is where the truth lies, not within a community where opinions are formed through speculation and their so called well wishes.
Good for you.
Great article, Faenza. Thanks for the reminder. As Don Miguel Ruiz says in his wonderful book 'The Four Agreements', we must be impeccable with our word. He says -speak with integrity. Say only what we mean. Avoid using the word to speak against ourselves or to gossip about others. Use the power of our word in the direction of truth and love. Google the book for the other three agreements. We should all make it our code for our lives, as he did. Your boys have a WONDERFUL Mum in you - keep up the good work!! :-))
I completely agree, I really disagree with the term ADD and ADHD as I believe there is an underling factor when children are hyperactive etc. I have met adults who still label themselves as having ADD and ADHD and will probably always use it as an excuse for their behaviour. We all behave a certain way when somegthing needs to change in our life especially when we are not happy
Thanks Faenza, this is so true. People love labels! I resist them strenuously as they are limiting and misleading.
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