I made the decision to create a better and more fulfilled life for myself rather than the life that I was used to and was ingrained in me from birth.

I found out my own mindset created the wrong actions which has led me into wrong belief systems.

Getting clarity on life is not an easy task, but it is "priceless" to any individual.

Also visit my website


Tuesday, June 22, 2010


It’s interesting that the other day I spoke to a woman who told me she recently had a second hip replacement and found that she lost her belief in most things in her life and found it hard to think clearly about what she wanted. I asked her what it was she wanted to achieve?

She told me she wanted to be well and heal herself. I immediately thought if she had ever considered self healing through thought so I started right away visualizing her being well. Later on she said she has a tendency to procrastinate over things to which I replied that most people do and it becomes a habit that can be set up for life unless you want the change so much that you start making small steps towards the opposite direction.

Many of us know people that have gone through a process of elimination and when our lives get this out of control in our well-being and the last resource is to find a way that will help heal our thoughts, this woman was exceptional to the point that she did have belief in herself because she decided that by changing her thinking she might be able enough to speed up her healing process.

So implanting the seed of thought to wishing her well gave her just enough encouragement in her own mind to feel even a very small amount of strength left to process healing from that point forward.

Her healing process started within our conversation about thoughts and considering a better life through self healing. There is no end for a better life and health is only the beginning of improvement in all her areas. It only takes a single pointed thought to start the process going and the only consideration is to continue that same small focused thought which will lead her into the health she truely desires and giving up is never an option.

All wonderful things start with the tinyest amount of thought just like the seed of a tree that grows into the natural beauty, grace and wonder that it is.

On June 21st 2010 - "AWAKEN YOUR BUDDHA SEED" - His Holiness the Dalai Lama told a crowd of over 300 Japanese Buddhists that all human beings have the same potential to achieve Buddhahood if they realize the source of all sufferings is ignorance and delusion about one's true nature.  "Awareness of one's innate Buddha nature will give self-confidence and provide a key to happy life." 


Suzi M said...

Thanks Faenza. The seeds of greatness exist in each one of us.

Jappy said...

Hi Faenza, thank you for the wonderful story and concept. I'm from Buddhism background and they teach we have Buddha nature in our heart and we all can bring that out with chanting (desiring and visualizing) to make it come true. How awesome you helped the lady with her sickness...power of thought and mind is so strong, that's amazing!

Lisa Molina said...

Great story Faenza. I can relate to procrastination, and now I remind myself with a saying I have taylor made for myself..... Pain of discipline or the pain of regret of not getting it done Now!
I am a believer that our bodies store up energy that, if negative, can really weigh us down and cause lots of grief. It all starts with the willingness to make the changes, as you said. xxoLisa

Liana said...

Hey Faenza, your story is very touching. Its amazing how a small conversation with someone can change their life... like a ripple in the water. Love your work xo